Last night Randi Zuckerberg came to Ithaca College to speak to an overflowing room of eager students. For those of you who don't recognize the last name, Zuckerberg is the sister of Mark Zuckrerberg, aka the founder of Facebook.
Randi Zuckerberg was the marketing director for Facebook for six years before leaving to start her own media company, R to Z Media. I wonder how her new independent company will fair in the corporate dominated world?
In Zuckerberg's speech she focused on social media and had more than a firm grasp on how to utilize it for the maximum business advantage. Hearing her take on how corporations successfully use social media was both informative and inspiring.
Although she focused on large corporations and mainstream media, independent media could easily steal their tactics. Social media is arguably more beneficial to independent media sites because its free and reaches as many people as their 'friends' and 'followers'. Independent media could stand to learn a few things from the marketing genius Zuckerberg proved herself to be. I realize that their resources and audience are on a much smaller scale, but the whole business of independent media relies on the successful use of social media.